Saturday, November 23UKJAS



Does UKJAS have a regulatory role? 

UKJAS is not a regulator. It does not have any legal or regulatory enforcement powers. UKJAS does however have an ‘oversight’ function and works to ensure that those organisations’ it accredits meet the applicable international accreditation standards, independent and Impartial Assessment.

Does UKJAS accreditation guarantee the performance of a conformity assessment body? 

Holding UKJAS accreditation does not in any way change the contractual responsibilities between an accredited conformity assessment body (CAB) and its clients. UKJAS Accreditation is always voluntary and independent . While the holding of UKJAS accreditation is an indication of the integrity, competenceand recognition of a CAB in the market, it does not constitute an undertaking by UKJAS that the CAB will maintain a particular level of competence and performance.

What is UKJAS relationship with Government? 

UKJAS is a private company, not for profit organization and is recognised as an independent accreditation body by Registrar of companies(ROC) , Govt. of India operates under AOA & MOA with the Government, through the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.

Certification is a fantastic business asset but there is sometimes a misunderstanding about certification that governments deem it to be mandatory and, secondly, that all certification bodies have to be accredited by a National Accreditation Body which is the only accreditation body permitted to operate. This is simply not true. The UK Department for Business Innovation and Skills’ (BIS) official policy principles on Conformity Assessment and Accreditation in the UK clearly states
“Accreditation is applicable to both the regulated and non-regulated sectors but should remain voluntary unless required by specific legislation.” In 2008, UKJAS Accreditation, an independent accreditation Body was formed to accredit a range of non-governmental certifying bodies that assess products, personnel, and management systems.

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